Sunday, April 20, 2014

Gender Politics in a Global Market Place response

Please respond to "Marching from the Village" from Made in China and "A Lesbian Bar" from Sweet and Sour. What are the two types of working women represented in these two kinds of life stories? What are the similarities and differences? Pay attention to how the authors weave interviews into their critical analyses. Use quotes with page numbers to support your analyses. Due Wednesday April 23 by 8 pm, comments to two other responses due by 10 pm. I look forward to reading your last reading response for this semester! 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Gender Politics after "Reform and Opening Up" response

Shanghai Baby (DVD cover, from Asian Wiki)
Please respond to "Women and Work" and "Shanghai Baby" (p1-37). "Women and Work" includes fascinating first person accounts from the 1980s and a "test" on whether you are a "good housewife" at the end, "Shanghai Baby" is considered semi auto-biographical, written by a "beauty writer" in Shanghai in the late 1990s. Pay attention to the nature of sources: Is it scholarly work? Is it fiction? Is it based on first-person narratives? Response due by Wednesday April 16 at 8 pm, comments to two other responses due by 10 pm. Enjoy reading and writing!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Gendered Body in the Socialist Discourse response

Please respond to the fascinating body of materials for this week in the following order. Due Wednesday April 9 by 8 pm. Comments to two responses due by 10 pm.
1. Respond to the two 1971 pieces ("Iron Girl" and "Good Daughter of the Party") selected from Beijing's English language magazine Chinese Literature. It is a rare opportunity to read first-hand materials from the Cultural Revolution. Cite one most memorable detail from each piece with page numbers to illustrate your reading experience.
2. Spend at least half an hour on the Chinese Posters website: Pay particular attention to the two-part section under "Iron Women and Foxy Ladies". Pick one poster and analyze its visual and other components as best representing the gendered body in the socialist discourse.
3. Read the scholarly piece "Comrade Sisters" as a way to help you synthesizing the above textual and visual representations from the socialist era. What have you learned from this scholarly piece written in the 1990s? Cite a short quote with page number to support your analysis.